Fall Semester 2004
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In Florida Virtual School, Part 2: Building Relationships, we go into the homes of students and teachers to see this school in action. The Tanish, the Major and the Williams families open their doors and give their perspectives on this way of teaching and learning. As we talk with these teachers, students and parents we find out why Florida Virtual was a good option for each of them. We see first hand how building relationships has been one of the most important aspects to the success of this endeavor.
Teaching Now! 111 - Watch this Episode
In Florida Virtual School, Part 1: Developing An Online School, we hear how this initiative has grown from a small grant serving 200 students to a major statewide service serving tens of thousands of Florida students as well as many other students throughout the United States. We hear their lessons learned on developing curriculum and what they feel is critical in their staff training. The administrators also provide advice to others looking into offering online courses for students.
Teaching Now! 110 - Watch this Episode
In English Language Learners, we visit southern California to see how schools use technology to help English language learners. We return to Central Elementary School after three years to visit Socorro Sanchez’s classroom. Ms. Sanchez uses digital cameras and Kid Pix to help her first grade students have a meaningful lesson on sequencing following their Transportation Field Trip. At Potter Junior High we visit several classrooms to see how they used grant funds to infuse technology into their language arts curriculum. We visit the Newcomers self contained classroom, the Read 180 class for students reading before grade level, a regular language arts classroom and a required technology class. We hear how technology along with student mentors and professional development for teachers is making a difference.
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In Technology In Deaf Education, we visit two schools in Pennsylvania that serve children who are hearing impaired. At DePaul Institute the focus is on oral education. Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf (WPSD) uses American Sign Language to communicate. Technology is used extensively at both schools. We see common software and hardware such as Power Point, web browsers, smart boards and wireless laptops, as well as software and technologies designed specifically for the hard of hearing. At WPSD we get a chance to see students in action as they create their news cast for the school.
Spring Semester 2004
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In IUP and Deaf Education, we go to Indiana University of Pennsylvania where they are preparing teachers to work with students who are deaf and hard of hearing. The pre-service teachers use technology for classroom observation, parent education, and portfolios.
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In Electronic Portfolios, we visit Purdue University and the University of Washington to see their electronic portfolio systems for education majors. We explore the different uses for these student portfolios and the challenges of implementation.
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In Virtual Chem Lab, we visit Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, where they have developed a virtual chemistry lab. This software is changing the way chemistry is taught at the university and at a local high school.
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In Microsoft's Backyard, we feature one of the top 10 Microsoft Schools in the nation located in Redmond, Washington. The Lake Washington School District is one of the most information rich in the country. We explore the district's online report cards and class server system. We see how long range planning led to infrastructure, access, professional development for teachers, and community suppor
Fall Semester 2003
Teaching Now! 104 - Watch this Episode
In Landmark: A Special Needs College, we travel to Vermont to see how assistive technologies can help struggling college students be academically successful in reading. We meet two students and find out how strategies used at Landmark are impacting their learning.
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In Digital Text, we learn about a partnership between Schaumburg School District #54 in Illinois and CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology. They worked with a publisher to digitize their social studies textbooks in order to make learning and content accessible to all students. We visit two middle school social studies classes and see what teaching strategies are being used to deliver core content through the use of technology.
Teaching Now! 102 - Watch this Episode
In Priority: Technology and Inclusion, we visit Schaumburg School District #54 in Illinois where state test scores have increased through the use of technology and inclusion. Through strong leadership and professional development strategies, they have created a technology rich school environment for all students. We also see how technology has allowed one special needs student access core curriculum.
Teaching Now! 101 - Watch this Episode
In Handhelds in Omaha, we go to Nebraska and see how Technology Teacher of the Year Tony Vincent and his fifth grade students are using Palms in every curriculum area. The Willowdale elementary students use the handheld technology to reinforce math skills and language arts while taking part in project-based learning. It's almost like having a laptop for every student. We then see how these same students are mentoring teachers enrolled in a graduate course at the University of Nebraska, Omaha. They are learning how to use handhelds and how to infuse the technology into their teaching.
Spring Semester 2003
PT3 Now! 208 - Watch this Episode
In A New Kind of Quest, we explore new applications for WebQuests. Many school districts are engaging in professional development that model technology. Here, we visit a New York City graduate course at City College that's teaching teachers how to design and implement Culture Quests. We also visit a magnet school in Harlem where a teacher who took the graduate course is implementing his Culture Quest with a focus on nutrition. He won't receive credit for the graduate course until he shows successful implementation in his classroom with his students.
PT3 Now! 207 - Watch this Episode
In Observation From a Distance, we take a look at a different way of providing field experiences in diverse settings. We see how Purdue University uses Internet-based video conferencing for field observations by connecting with a low socioeconomic inner city school in East Chicago. Students at Purdue typically observe the second grade students in East Chicago. Here, the pre-service teachers lead their first mini-lesson with full two way audio and video over the Internet.
PT3 Now! 206 - Watch this Episode
In Methods to Classroom, we visit two student teachers from Louisiana Tech and explore the different relationships they have with their cooperating teachers. In the first segment, we visit a student teacher who is doing a Dino Quest with her second grade students and helping her cooperating teacher learn technology skills. In a fifth grade class, we see another student teacher and cooperating teacher who are sharing technology skills.
PT3 Now! 205 - Watch this Episode
In Teaching Content with Technology, we visit two methods classes at Louisiana Tech. The methods professors are modeling how to teach language arts and math content to their pre-service teachers. In the reading methods course, pre-service teachers have been working with emergent readers at local K-12 schools. They are using technology to make a rebus - a miniature picture embedded in a sentence instead of a written word. In the math methods classroom, technology activities are being linked to the power of the content. In this particular case, we see a lesson addressing geometry standards using tessellations - repeating patterns as seen in M.C. Escher's artwork.
Fall Semester 2002
PT3 Now! 204 - Watch this Episode
In Field Placement, we visit the University of Mississippi and see the 'Ole Miss' approach to field placement. We also meet a supervising teacher, his principal and his student teacher, and join him as he teaches a lesson on the Dustbowl.
PT3 Now! 203 - Watch this Episode
In GIS, we visit two multidiscipline high school classes in Mississippi using Geographic Information Systems, and see the professional development and student mentors needed to use this software in the classroom.
PT3 Now! 202 - Watch this Episode
In GLOBE, we meet teachers and students from Montana involved in this online worldwide science project. We hear what GLOBE is and go in the field with two middle school classes to collect data and then back to the classroom to upload the data.
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In Overview of a Statewide System, we feature Louisiana and their statewide technology planning including faculty training, infrastructure and collaboration among K-12 schools, state universities and the Department of Education, all beginning from a small single NSF grant.
Summer Semester 2002
PT3 Now! 112 - Watch this Episode
In Assistive Technologies and Universal Design, we learn about assistive technologies for students with special needs and the concept of universal design. We visit the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and discover how graduate students in the department of exceptional education have used different assistive technologies and common software programs for students with learning differences. A faculty member joins in to discuss the idea of universal design, that all curriculums should be changed to accommodate students with disabilities.
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In Lewis and Clark Rediscovery, we go to Montana to see a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to teaching with technology made possible by a US Department of Education Technology Challenge Grant. The PT3 Golden Triangle Project uses technology to teach about the Lewis and Clark expedition. First we visit a middle school class presenting their research using Inspiration software, databases, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint. Next we see how student teachers from the University of Montana use a Lewis and Clark WebQuest in a fifth grade classroom.
PT3 Now! 110 - Watch this Episode
In Assessment in Action, we return to Alverno College to explore how video is used in student assessment. Education students are videotaped by faculty throughout the education program during field work and student teaching for self-assessment, self-analysis of teaching skills and nuances, and documentation of their progression as teachers. In our visit we explore the videotaping and assessment of Mrs. Oberle's class.
PT3 Now! 109 - Watch this Episode
In Digital Diagnostic Portfolios, we take our first look at how technology is used to evaluate pre-service teachers at Alverno College in Wisconsin through the use of digital diagnostic portfolios. Digital assessment and non-graded environments are used as evaluation tools in Alverno's education curriculum. Key teaching performances, self-assessment, video clips, lesson plans, reflections and teacher feedback are kept in student electronic portfolios. This evaluation tool provides a means for students to reflect, analyze and build upon past work throughout their college career
Spring Semester 2002
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In Mentorships, we hear about another project that paid K-12 teachers to be technology mentors to professors at George Mason University in northern Virginia. We meet Dr. Rebecca Fox, a world languages professor, and her mentor Laura Bachman. We hear how Laura helped Becky redesign her World Language Methods course to incorporate technology from the "get go" into the philosophy, the teaching, the learning and the doing. We also visit Laura's French II Class at J.E.B. Stuart High School and see this mentor teacher leading her students through a WebQuest she designed.
PT3 Now! 107 - Watch this Episode
In INTIME - A PT3 Case Study, the University of Northern Iowa provides its faculty and students with video case studies of Pre-k-12 teachers who effectively integrate technology in their curriculum. Called INTIME, this digital library offers a variety of real classroom examples. This online resource is one of many electronic libraries now available.
PT3 Now! 106 - Watch this Episode
In A University & Rural School Division Partnership, we see a multi-dimensional partnership between Old Dominion University and Brunswick County Schools in Virginia. Partnerships between schools of education and school districts offer benefits to both. In this example, paid interns from the university work in a very poor school division that is more technology rich than their university partner. One of the paid interns, using a wireless computer lab, teaches an Edgar Allan Poe WebQuest to high school language arts students.
PT3 Now! 105 - Watch this Episode
In The Student Teaching Experience, student teacher Mindy Crum uses Hyperstudio to teach the students about Veteran's Day. Mindy is part of program that vertically integrates technology with curriculum. Interviews with her principal, her master teacher, and one of her professors at California State-San Marcos all address the need to support student teachers with technology training and technology rich environments.
Fall Semester 2001
PT3 Now! 104 - Watch this Episode
In New Realities of Teaching, we discuss the expectation that our teachers will be able to teach children in very diverse classrooms where technology is just part of the learning. We visit Socorro Sanchez's Kindergarten class at Central School in Escondido California. We see how this very well prepared first year teacher moves from theory to practice and hear how this school district works with their local university to provide technology courses for their teachers at their school site.
PT3 Now! 103 - Watch this Episode
In Tenure, Incentives and Partnerships, we hear how Retention, Tenure, Promotion Committees struggle with how to judge faculty in this digital age. Deans of Education explain the various incentives they have developed to help faculty incorporate technology into the classes they teach. We also begin our look at the mission of colleges of education to partner with local schools.
PT3 Now! 102 - Watch this Episode
In Click Here: Access and Technical Assistance, we focus on how administrators can build a culture of technology at their institutions by providing faculty hardware, software, fast connectivity, support and just in time training. Administrators from the University of Virginia and the University of Northern Colorado join in the discussion. We also hear from faculty in the trenches that have learned how to handle the ambiguity of ever changing technology.
PT3 Now! 101 - Watch this Episode
In Shared Vision: Beyond the Classroom, we explore how administrators at Pepperdine University, the University of Northern Iowa, Sonoma State University and California State University became catalysts for change on their campuses. We also hear their thoughts on the critical success factors necessary to implement a vision of reform.