PT3 Now! 106 - Watch in Windows Media Player A look at a multi-dimensional partnership between a university and a poor school district in Virginia which allows for paid teaching internships. We see a paid intern in action teaching an Edgar Allan Poe WebQuest in a wireless classroom. Introduction - Watch How are colleges of education preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology? PT3 NOW! looks at the issues, ideas and strategies of schools of education around the country to retool their teacher preparation programs. PT3 NOW! goes inside colleges and universities and talks with faculty, students and administrators about how they are changing. Introduces the show's focus on a multi-dimensional partnership between Old Dominion University and Brunswick County Schools, a rural district in Virginia. Internship Partnership - Watch Partnerships between schools of education and school districts offer benefits to both. In this example, paid interns from Old Dominion University work in a very poor school division in Brunswick County, Virginia, that is more technology rich than their university partner due to various state and federal initiatives. Panel Discussion of Internship Partnership - Watch Our panel of experts discusses the unique aspects of the partnership including paid internships, intern housing, a technology-rich poor school district, the use of grants and federal programs and the issue of financial sustainablitity. Wireless Webquest - Watch A paid intern teaches an Edgar Allan Poe WebQuest using a wireless computer lab in his own classroom to high school language arts students. Panel Discussion of Wireless Webquest - Watch Our panel of experts discusses the value and quality of a WebQuest versus a book, a WebQuest as a controlled way of using the Internet and the role of collaborative learning. Show Close - Watch Show close and credits
PT3 Now! 106 - Watch in Windows Media Player A look at a multi-dimensional partnership between a university and a poor school district in Virginia which allows for paid teaching internships. We see a paid intern in action teaching an Edgar Allan Poe WebQuest in a wireless classroom.
Introduction - Watch How are colleges of education preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology? PT3 NOW! looks at the issues, ideas and strategies of schools of education around the country to retool their teacher preparation programs. PT3 NOW! goes inside colleges and universities and talks with faculty, students and administrators about how they are changing. Introduces the show's focus on a multi-dimensional partnership between Old Dominion University and Brunswick County Schools, a rural district in Virginia.
Internship Partnership - Watch Partnerships between schools of education and school districts offer benefits to both. In this example, paid interns from Old Dominion University work in a very poor school division in Brunswick County, Virginia, that is more technology rich than their university partner due to various state and federal initiatives.
Panel Discussion of Internship Partnership - Watch Our panel of experts discusses the unique aspects of the partnership including paid internships, intern housing, a technology-rich poor school district, the use of grants and federal programs and the issue of financial sustainablitity.
Wireless Webquest - Watch A paid intern teaches an Edgar Allan Poe WebQuest using a wireless computer lab in his own classroom to high school language arts students.
Panel Discussion of Wireless Webquest - Watch Our panel of experts discusses the value and quality of a WebQuest versus a book, a WebQuest as a controlled way of using the Internet and the role of collaborative learning.
Show Close - Watch Show close and credits