Now in its third season, Teaching NOW! looks at how colleges of education are
preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology. We also explore K-12
practices where technology is being integrated into the teaching and
Hosted by Allen Glenn, former Dean of Education at the
University of Washington, and Angie Callahan, Director of Education at
WHRO-TV, Teaching NOW! goes inside colleges, universities and K-12 schools to
talk with faculty, teachers, students and administrators about how they
are changing.
Each show includes segments highlighting innovative programs, K-12
classroom examples, and critical analysis in the studio with experts.
Our expert panel includes Dr. Peggy Kelly, Co-Director of the NETS for
Teachers Project, ISTE's National Educational Technology Standards
Project. Dr. Kelly is also a professor in the College of Education at
California State University in San Marcos.
Teaching NOW! is designed for teacher educators, K-12 teachers, and pre-service teacher candidates.
The television series consists of four closed captioned thirty-minute programs released each semester.