Television Series

PT3 Now! 207 - Watch in Windows Media Player
We take a look at a different way of providing field experiences in diverse settings. We see how Purdue University uses Internet-based video conferencing for field observations by connecting with a low socioeconomic inner city school in East Chicago.

Introduction - Watch
PT3 NOW! looks at how colleges of education are preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology. We also visit K-12 schools where technology integration is changing traditional classroom activities.

Field Experience Via Technology - Watch
Take a look at a different way of providing field experiences in diverse settings. We see how Purdue University uses Internet-based video conferencing for field observations by connecting with a low socioeconomic inner city school in East Chicago.

Panel Discussion of Field Experience Via Technology - Watch
Our panel of experts discuss the professional development, mentorship and learning opportunities facilitated through this Internet-based distant field observation. The cooperating teacher, the college faculty member, the preservice teachers and the inner-city students all benefit from the partnership and collaboration.

Purdue Teaching East Chicago - Watch
We see preservice teachers from Purdue University lead their first mini-lessons on Japanese culture and geography via Internet-based videoconferencing with elementary students in a diverse classroom setting. Hear about what the preservice students have learned from the K-12 teacher and students through this collaborative experience.

Panel Discussion of Purdue Teaching East Chicago - Watch
Our panel of experts discuss the value of rich classroom observation for preservice teachers as well as the scalability and expense of H.323 videoconferencing.

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