Television Series

PT3 Now! 201 - Watch in Real Player
We feature Louisiana and their statewide technology planning including faculty training, infrastructure and collaboration among K-12 schools, state universities and the Department of Education, all beginning from a small single NSF grant.

Introduction - Watch
PT3 NOW! looks at how colleges of education are preparing tomorrow's teachers to use technology. We also visit K-12 schools where technology integration is changing traditional classroom activities.

Technology Planning - Watch
This segment features Louisiana and how it has changed technology integration in K-12 classrooms and Colleges of Education across the state. It explores statewide technology planning including faculty training, infrastructure and collaboration among K-12 schools, state universities and the Department of Education, all beginning from a small single NSF grant. We see how federal money was used to seed and innovate, with state money being used to disseminate, build infrastructure, and sustain. They started small with five pilot regions across the state. They worked out bugs, built trust, stayed the course, and gave everything a chance to work. As a result, they progressed as a group from one funding opportunity to the next.

Panel Discussion of Technology Planning - Watch
The studio panel points out factors that made Louisiana's state system successful including a single goal, a shared vision and widespread commitment from the governor and other agencies, all resulting in a true K-16 collaboration with each entity having leadership roles.

T.H.E. QUEST - Watch
This segment explores how Louisiana used a PT3 grant to set up their QUEST training labs for practical faculty technology training. We hear from QUEST trained teachers about their experiences with integrating technology into the classroom.

Panel Discussion of T.H.E. QUEST - Watch
The panel cites best practices demonstrated in the QUEST training such as teaching K-16 faculty to be self-reliant, providing individualized training curriculum, modeling good instruction and leadership participation. The panel also discusses the scalability of this Louisiana model and concludes that in a changing political and funding environment, collaboration is still needed for funding and professional development to continue.

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